tag: community

North City Neighborhood Social!

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Thursday, August 11,
Monka Brewing
17211 15th Ave NE
Shoreline, WA 98155

photo of people socializing (with beer)

Join the NCNA and meet your neighbors in a casual setting to talk about issues and events in North City. Learn more about, and help shape the NCNA’s plans for 2022 and beyond.

RSVP not required, but appreciated.

Note: Guests are responsible for their own beverage tabs. Monka Brewing does not serve food, but you are welcome to bring your own or from another restaurant. All ages are welcome and alcohol-free beverages are also served.

For more information see the event page for the social on Facebook, or email us at info@northcityna.org.

We Could Use Some Help with Our Social Media

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Social media help wanted banner

Do you enjoy connecting with your neighbors? We certainly do, and could use some help connecting online. The NCNA is looking for someone to help with our social media outreach. This would include sharing news from the City of Shoreline, activities of the NCNA, and stories you think neighbors would be interested in!

If interested, send an email to info@northcityna.org and we will flow up with more details.

New Street Banners for North City!

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Banner being installed by Safeway Perfect blue skies to watch the banners get installed! Thirteen North City banners were put up today – part of our effort to enhance the cityscape in our little town. This project was funded by a mini-grant from the City of Shoreline.

Banner being installed by Frank’s Door Store Many thanks to the City of Shoreline Neighborhoods Coordinator, Constance Perenyi, for helping us navigate the city's requirements with a minimum of hassle and a maximum of speed and efficiency.

New banner by Leena’s We will need to support ongoing maintenance and any future banner projects on our own and will be working on fundraising to that end. Stay tuned!

New banner by North City Food Mart

New Street Banners Coming!

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The banner poles in North City have been looking a bit lonely lately. We're excited to announce that we qualified for a neighborhood grant from the City of Shoreline to have new banners created and installed! We will be posting updates as the work gets completed, which should be before the end of this year.

bannerless light pole banner design

North City Neighborhood Association Happy Hour

Posted on to Events (Updated )

Thursday, August 12,
Monka Brewing
17211 15th Ave NE
Shoreline, WA 98155

Join us Thursday, August 12 for a casual meetup outdoors at the Monka Brewing Co. There's no formal agenda – we simply want to meet with neighbors and catch up.

The North City Neighborhood Association has been using the COVID lockdown period as a time to re-focus our efforts. We've created a board structure, shored up our legal standing, and are looking forward to building a vibrant organization that can help build community in our growing neighborhood.

Stop by to say hello, support a local business, and learn about some of our plans for 2021 and beyond!

PS: The need for food remains great in our City, and Hopelink is serving more people than ever. The City of Shoreline is coordinating food drive efforts with a Can Castle Contest. We will accept any donations at the meetup event and bring them to the Food Drive at City Hall.

Weeding Help Needed

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There used to be a fair amount of horsetail (equisetum) growing in the Gateway planters. Since we've replanted them, it doesn’t want to go away without a fight.


Digging or pulling the horsetail out is not practical. It is impossible to get all the roots — any bits left will continue to grow. The best approach is to keep snipping of any shoots it sends up. That depletes the roots of energy, eventually doing them in.

If you happen to be by the planter and see some horsetail, help us out and cut off any shoots!

Horsetail hiding under some grasses
Horsetail hiding under some grasses

Also, remember that we can use help watering, too!

Watering Help Needed!

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Please help us water the new plantings at the North City Gateway (NE 175th and 15th NE)! They need to be watered twice a day through the summer hot season.

To volunteer to water the plants, sign up here.

Gateway plantings

Instructions & Notes

There are 2 high planter boxes as well as the lower area beneath the North City sign.

Water jugs Please bring your own water, 5 gallons at the minimum. Gallon jugs with caps work well. A watering can or a bucket in a box will prevent it from toppling over in your car.

As long as the Animal Medical Center parking lot is not full, we have permission to park there while watering since watering won't take much time.

Thank you!

Gateway Planting Project

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The neighborhood association has started has been working to revamp/replant the landscaping in the North City Gateway planters at the corner of 15th and 170th. Gateway planting

Thanks to the efforts of many, but especially Karen Benson and Yoshiko Saheki new plantings are now in! Thanks also to Kevin Atkinson and the Ken and Victoria Adams family (as well as whoever else I've left out) for weeding and cleanup in preparation for the planting.

Gateway planting As the Summer heat continues, we will be seeking volunteers to help with watering. Stay tuned for more on that.

2021-06 NCNA Public Zoom meeting

Posted on to Events (Updated )

Tuesday, June 1,

Zoom meeting graphic It’s been a while since we’ve seen each other! The last public event hosted by the NCNA was a social meetup at Monka Brewing in late Feb 2020, right on the eve of the pandemic. We’ve been quiet but not resting. Please join us in a public zoom meeting as we share current info and our plans for the future of the neighborhood association. We want to hear what you'd like to see in North City!

The link to the Zoom meeting is https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86403779756?pwd=dGd4RFRRQ2xIWGo5cEVMWHRyL3M5dz09.

The meeting should not require a password. Just in case it does, here it is zoom meeting password.

Check back here, or check the Facebook event page for the meeting for more details.

Stride S3 Bus Rapid Transit Online Open-House

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The Stride Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) project on SR 522 and NE 145th is the result of a grassroots coalition that advocated for better transit for north Lake Washington communities.

The Stride S3 Line, or the SR 522/NE 145th BRT service, will connect north Lake Washington communities to the regional transit system with fast, frequent and reliable transit service. Riders will be able to transfer between the SR 522/NE 145th Stride S3 Line, I-405 North Stride S2 Line, Link light rail, and other transit services provided by Community Transit, King County Metro and Sound Transit.

Stride S3 BRT poster

Online open house now through August 23

Sound Transit is hosting an online open house at sr522brt.participate.online through Aug. 23.

Shoreline residents can visit this website to see design updates, sign up for the project email list, and share their input to inform the design and future community outreach.