tag: development

City Council Discussion of the 185th Street Subarea Zoning

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Monday, February 9,
Council Chambers, Shoreline City Hall
17500 Midvale Ave N
Shoreline, WA 98133

At the City Council meeting on February 9, the Council will review the Planning Commission recommendations and proposed phasing of zoning and development regulations for the 185th street station subarea.

This will be among the last opportunities for citizens to voice their input regarding the planned zoning changes. Since the zoning plans are still in flux, it is important that all who care make their opinions known.

You can find more information on the city’s light rail page.

Panel Discussion on Taxes and Real Estate

Posted on to Events (Updated )

Thursday, December 11,
Council Chambers, Shoreline City Hall
17500 Midvale Ave N
Shoreline, WA 98133

On December 11 at City Hall, the 145th Station Citizens Committee (145SCC) will host a panel discussion on taxes and real estate for homeowners in the two light rail station subareas.

The idea for the panel emerged out of the meetings of the 145SCC, at which homeowners questioned the potential implications of redevelopment of neighborhoods surrounding the future 145th Station, particularly in regards to taxes and real estate. These topics are also applicable to homeowners in neighborhoods adjacent to the future 185th Station.

The volunteer panelists include representatives from King County Department of Assessments, Windermere Real Estate, and North Coast Realty Advisors. The event will be held in the Council Chambers of Shoreline City Hall at 7pm to 8:30pm, 17500 Midvale Ave N.

All are welcome. Questions about the event may be directed to 145SCC@gmail.com.

Final EIS for 185th Street Station Subarea Available

Posted on to News

The full Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the 185th Street Station Subarea Plan is now available on the City’s webpage. A Review Guide that was presented at last Thursday’s Planning Commission meeting is also available on the webpage, and provides a summary of the full EIS document.

The Subarea Plan, which includes zoning, and Planned Action Ordinance, which includes Development Code regulations, will be the subject of the December 4 Planning Commission meeting. All of these documents will be the subject of a public hearing before the Planning Commission on January 15, 2015 from 7:00–9:00pm in the Council Chambers of City Hall, then discussed by the Council at their February 9 meeting. Council may adopt the Subarea Plan and Planned Action Ordinance at their February 23 meeting.

Please visit the light rail station subarea planning main webpage for more information, or contact Miranda Redinger, Senior Planner, at 206-801-2513 or mredinger@shorelinewa.gov with questions.

North City Neighborhood Association Meeting

Posted on to Events (Updated )

Tuesday, November 4,
Anderson House, Activity Room
17201 15th Ave NE
Shoreline, WA 98155


Due to flooding at the North City Water District offices, this meeting has been moved down the street to the activity room at Anderson House.

Find out what’s happening before the bulldozer shows up!

Mark your calendar for the next North City Neighborhood Meeting!

Light rail is coming to North City, and the city is going to be making considerable zoning changes as part of the 185th Street Station Subarea Plan. The current “preferred alternative” under consideration would assign a MUR-85 designation — allowing the construction of seven story buildings — to significant portions of North City. The Planning Commission and City Council will be voting on the plan within the next few months, so the time to provide input is now.

At the November meeting, Miranda Redinger, Senior Planner for the City of Shoreline, will be giving a presentation to get us “caught up” on the zoning changes under consideration.

  • What changes to expect
  • Property value impact
  • Building heights
  • Parking
  • Zoning definitions

There will also be a discussion on what opportunities there are to influence the decisions being made.

Please come!

If your have questions, please call (206) 801-2253, or leave a comment below.