tag: gardening

Get a Free Tree for Your Property!

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graphic on the benefits of trees

Eligible Shoreline residents can apply to receive free trees through Trees for Shoreline, a pilot program aimed at growing and maintaining a healthy urban forest.

Trees are important for a healthy Shoreline. They provide a wide range of benefits to our environment, homes, and properties! When you participate in Trees for Shoreline, you receive:

  • Help with selecting the right tree and planting location
  • A watering bag and mulch for your tree
  • Training on proper planting and care
  • Ongoing care reminders
  • Planting assistance (on a limited basis due to volunteer availability)

The application period for Trees for Shoreline is open until August 15. There is a limit of one free tree per household. Depending on tree availability and program interest, not everyone who applies will receive a tree.

The types of trees available are listed in this 2022 Tree Guide flyer.

Apply by August 15!

To learn more, visit shorelinewa.gov/TreesForShoreline.

Weeding Help Needed

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There used to be a fair amount of horsetail (equisetum) growing in the Gateway planters. Since we've replanted them, it doesn’t want to go away without a fight.


Digging or pulling the horsetail out is not practical. It is impossible to get all the roots — any bits left will continue to grow. The best approach is to keep snipping of any shoots it sends up. That depletes the roots of energy, eventually doing them in.

If you happen to be by the planter and see some horsetail, help us out and cut off any shoots!

Horsetail hiding under some grasses
Horsetail hiding under some grasses

Also, remember that we can use help watering, too!

Watering Help Needed!

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Please help us water the new plantings at the North City Gateway (NE 175th and 15th NE)! They need to be watered twice a day through the summer hot season.

To volunteer to water the plants, sign up here.

Gateway plantings

Instructions & Notes

There are 2 high planter boxes as well as the lower area beneath the North City sign.

Water jugs Please bring your own water, 5 gallons at the minimum. Gallon jugs with caps work well. A watering can or a bucket in a box will prevent it from toppling over in your car.

As long as the Animal Medical Center parking lot is not full, we have permission to park there while watering since watering won't take much time.

Thank you!

Gateway Planting Project

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The neighborhood association has started has been working to revamp/replant the landscaping in the North City Gateway planters at the corner of 15th and 170th. Gateway planting

Thanks to the efforts of many, but especially Karen Benson and Yoshiko Saheki new plantings are now in! Thanks also to Kevin Atkinson and the Ken and Victoria Adams family (as well as whoever else I've left out) for weeding and cleanup in preparation for the planting.

Gateway planting As the Summer heat continues, we will be seeking volunteers to help with watering. Stay tuned for more on that.

Urban Forest Restoration Work Party at Hamlin Park

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Saturday, June 15,
Hamlin Park
Meet at the far north end of the park, next to the NE 166th Street stairs

Join Shoreline's Master Stewards for community work parties at Hamlin Park to remove invasive plants and lay mulch. Everyone is Welcome!

Where: 16006 15th Ave NE, Shoreline, WA 98155. Meet at the far north end of the park, next to the NE 166th Street stairs

Bring: Dress appropriate for the weather and wear sturdy footwear. Gloves, tools, and water will be provided.

Contact us: Contact Hamlin.Restoration@gmail.com to RSVP or for further information

Garden Plot Applications Now Available for Sunset and Twin Ponds Parks

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Interested in gardening and need a sunny place to plant? Apply for a Shoreline Parks department garden plot now. There are four plots available at Twin Ponds, and approximately twenty plots available at Sunset School Park.

Applications accepted through February 21, 5 p.m. A lottery drawing to assign plots will be held February 24. For more information, call Lynn Gabrieli at (206) 801-2602 or visit the City's Community Gardens webpage.