tag: city parks

Proposition 1: Shoreline Parks Bond

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On January 25, Shoreline City Council voted to place a bond measure on the April 27, 2021, special election ballot. If approved by Shoreline voters, this proposition authorizes improvements to City parks, including the acquisition of new park land.

The City will be providing Factual Community Presentation on the proposition via Zoom at the following times:

  • Tuesday, Feb. 2 at 7:00 p.m.
  • Wednesday, Feb. 3 at 12:00 p.m.
  • Tuesday, Feb. 9 at 12:00 p.m.
  • Thursday, Feb. 11 at 7:00 p.m.
  • Tuesday, Feb. 16 at 7:00 p.m.
  • Thursday, Feb. 18 at 12:00 p.m.
  • Wednesday, Feb. 24 at 7:00 p.m.
  • Tuesday, March 2 at 12:00 p.m.

Here is the Zoom link for the meeting. Further details may be found on the City's Prop 1 webpage.


Significant improvements will be made at Brugger’s Bog, Hillwood, Richmond Highlands, Briarcrest (Hamlin East), and James Keough Parks. These improvements, depending on the location, may include playgrounds, splash-pads, multi-sports courts, walking trails, picnic shelters, off-leash dog areas, and a fully accessible play area for people of all physical abilities.

Concept plan for “Ridgecrest Park” (Hamlin East)

Park land acquisitions and improvements will expand Paramount Open Space, Brugger’s Bog, and Rotary Park, and will include additional park land acquisitions.


If approved, Proposition 1 will authorize the City to issue up to $38,500,000 in general obligation bonds to finance and refinance these projects and set excess property taxes to repay those bonds. The bonds would mature within 20 years. Although the exact amount of property taxes per household necessary to repay the bonds will depend on interest rates and property values, the City estimates the annual property tax paid by the owner of a median-valued home ($517,000) would be approximately $112 per year or $9 per month. This is roughly a 50% increase over the cost of the expiring $18.5 million 2006 park improvement bond.


Here is the City’s webpage on Proposition 1.

Urban Forest Restoration Work Party at Hamlin Park

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Saturday, June 15,
Hamlin Park
Meet at the far north end of the park, next to the NE 166th Street stairs

Join Shoreline's Master Stewards for community work parties at Hamlin Park to remove invasive plants and lay mulch. Everyone is Welcome!

Where: 16006 15th Ave NE, Shoreline, WA 98155. Meet at the far north end of the park, next to the NE 166th Street stairs

Bring: Dress appropriate for the weather and wear sturdy footwear. Gloves, tools, and water will be provided.

Contact us: Contact Hamlin.Restoration@gmail.com to RSVP or for further information

Shoreline Park Concept Designs Open House

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Wednesday, December 13,
Shoreline City Hall
17500 Midvale Ave N
Shoreline, WA 98133

Shoreline is updating the design of parks throughout the City.

The city is holding an initial open house to help determine what activities and amenities you want to see improved or added in each park.

Shoreline Parks Open House banner

Parks included in this design review include:

  • Ballinger Open Space
  • Brugger’s Bog Park
  • Cedarbrook School Site
  • Hamlin Park
  • Hillwood Park
  • James Keough Park
  • Paramount Open Space
  • Park at Town Center
  • Richmond Highlands Park
  • Ridgecrest Park
  • Shoreview Park
  • Twin Ponds Park
  • Westminster Triangle Park

If you have questions about the open house or need special accomodations, please call (206) 801-2602.

More information is available on the city’s website.

North City Neighborhood Association Meeting

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Tuesday, April 12,
North City Water District
1519 NE 177th Street
Shoreline, WA 98155

On the Future of Shoreline’s Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services

The North City Neighborhood Association invites you to a presentation and discussion of future directions for Shoreline’s Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services.

The Shoreline Parks, Recreation and Cultural Service (PRCS) Department has begun an eighteen month planning process to update the PROS Plan, a document that creates a 20-year vision and serves as the framework for Shoreline’s recreation and cultural programs and park and open space facilities.

At our meeting, City staff will be on hand to provide a look at the past and discuss and listen to your input on future directions. What do you want your parks, recreation, and cultural services system to be, and what are you willing to support?

The meeting will start with a brief introduction on the North City Neighborhood Association — who we are, and what our plans are. The presentation by PRCS and discussion on the future of Shoreline’s parks will follow.

Please join us!

  • Meet your neighbors
  • Share ideas and concerns
  • Learn bout the North City Summer Picnic!

Hamlin Halloween Haunt

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Friday, October 23,
Hamlin Park
16006 15th Ave NE
Shoreline, WA 98155

The Shoreline PRCS will be hosting the Hamline Halloween Haunt on Friday, October 23.

Join your neighbors while we listen to spooky songs and stories, toast marshmallows around a campfire, ride the hay wagon, play Halloween games, and have our faces painted.

Dress warmly and bring a flashlight.

See the PRCS events listing for more information.

Shoreline Walks

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Shoreline Walks is a community walking program to help Shoreline adults stay active, meet new people (or connect with old friends) and feel safer and more confident exploring our city by foot. Walks explore neighborhoods, parks and trails offering great insight into some of the best walking routes in our City. Specifically designed for adults ages 50+ but open to all ages and abilities, each walk is led by a Volunteer Walk Leader and all walks are free to the public.

2014 Walk Schedule

Join us on one of these great walks starting in April 2014. More walks will be added as the season goes on, so check back for the latest list of Shoreline Walks.

Shoreline (Almost) Border to Border Walk

Sunday, April 6, 9:00am

This 6 mile walk will take you from North Shoreline to South and back. Starting at the pool, we'll take the interurban trail to 145th St. and head back North on some city streets exploring a couple parks and stopping for some coffee along the way.

Walk is approximately 6 miles / 3 hrs.
Walk Rating: Difficult (for distance)
Meet at Shoreline Pool Entrance, 19030 1st Ave NE

Hamlin Park Trails Walk

Saturday, April 26, 9:00am

Get acquainted with some of the trails running through the forested haven of Shoreline's beautiful 80-acre Hamlin Park.

Walk is approximately 1.8 miles / 40-45min.
Walk Rating: Moderate (bumpy trails)
Meet at: Hamlin Park, 160th St. parking lot. (by play area)

Richmond Beach Parks Walk

Saturday, May 3, 10:00am

Visit the 4 parks in Richmond Beach while enjoying views of the mountains and the sound.

Walk is approximately 3 miles / 1.5 hrs.
Walk Rating: Moderate (some hills)
Meet at: Entrance to RB Saltwater Park 2021 NW 190th St.

Paramount Park “Million Step Challenge”

Saturday, May 10, 8:30am

Let's meet up to walk around Paramount School Park and participate in the "Million Step Challenge" as a group.

Walk is approximately 1-3 miles / 1 hr.
Walk Rating: Easy - Moderate
Meet at: Paramount School Park, 150th & 8th Ave NE, meet at play area.

Twin Ponds Park Walk

Summertime Date and Time TBD

A nice evening stroll around Twin Ponds Park with an extra loop around Parkwood School. Our walk leader will help us spot water fowl on the ponds.

Walk is approximately 2 miles / 75 min.
Walk Rating: Easy
Meet at: Twin Ponds Park, 14915 1st Avenue NE (Parking lot on 1st by Comm. Gardens)

North Shoreline Land and Water Walk

Thursday, July 10, 10:00am

Enjoy an easy late morning walk around North Shoreline and continue with a low impact workout of water walking at the Shoreline Pool. (pool walk is optional, bring swimsuit and money for pool admission fee.)

Walk is approximately 2 miles / 40-45min.
Walk Rating: Easy (some hills)
Meet at: Shoreline Pool parking lot, 19030 1st Ave. NE.

North Shoreline Loop Walk

Friday, August 1, 11:30am

This short loop walk around North Shoreline starts at the Pool and heads north up to Ballinger Way. We'll then loop around and take the Interuban Trail back to the pool.

Walk is approximately 2 miles / 40-45min.
Walk Rating: Moderate (some hills)
Meet at: Shoreline Pool parking lot, 19030 1st Ave. NE.

North City Neighborhood Walk

Thursday, August 21, 7:30pm

Stretch your legs after dinner with a walk around lovely green areas in the North City Neighborhood.

Walk is approximately 2 miles / 40-50min.
Walk Rating: Easy
Meet at: North City Elementary School parking lot, 816 NE 190th St.

Want to be a Volunteer Walk Leader?

The Shoreline Parks and Recreation Department is always seeking volunteer walk leaders to lead community walks around our community. If you know of great walking routes around our city and would like to lead a group walk, please contact Marianne Johnson, Recreation Assistant at mjohnson@shorelinewa.gov, (206) 801-2638. For more information on being a volunteer walk leader, please view our Volunteer Information and Proposal Form.

ShoreDOG Kickoff Membership Meeting

Posted on to Events (Updated )

Tuesday, February 4,
Shoreline City Hall, Room 301
17500 Midvale Ave N
Shoreline, WA 98133

Come learn how you can make a difference at Shoreline’s off-leash dog areas.

Join us for a fun evening with ShoreDOG. View video contest entries and vote on the best one. Share your ideas for what ShoreDOG should be doing this year. Meet other off leash dog area users and the ShoreDOG leaders!

For More Information: Visit our FaceBook page, email us, or visit our community calendar.


ShoreDOG is having a Video Contest!

In a video, tell ShoreDOG why you love Shoreline’s dog parks! Don’t forget to include your dog.

Take a video and post it to the ShoreDOG FaceBook page. Videos will be viewed at the meeting, and the people’s choice award will receive a doggy gift basket sponsorted by ShoreDOG.

You must be present at the February 4th meeting to win.

Don’t forget to like us on Facebook!

ShoreDOG is a Washington State non-profit stewardship organization that supports the creation and maintenance of dog off-leash areas within Shoreline.

P.O. Box 55072, Shoreline, WA 98155