tag: construction

5th Ave NE Sidewalks Project

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Tuesday, February 2,

The City of Shoreline has started designing new sidewalks for 5th Avenue NE, from NE 175th Street to near NE 182nd Court. An online webinar will be held via Zoom on February 2, 2021 from 12–1pm to provide residents with the opportunity to learn more about the project and ask questions.

5th Ave NE Sidewalk Project Map Timeline

  • Complete Design: Summer 2021
  • Permitting: Spring 2021 – Fall 2021
  • Out to Bid: Winter 20201
  • Construction: Spring 2022

Some Details

The sidewalks will be built on both sides of the street and will connect to other new sidewalks that are under construction on 5th Avenue NE, north of 182nd Court, as part of Sound Transit’s 185th Street Link Light Rail Station.

The project is part of a voter-approved effort to build and repair sidewalks throughout Shoreline.

Planning Commission Meeting

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Thursday, June 18,

This Thursday, the Planning Commission will be discussion proposed amendments to the City’s development code regarding Ground Floor Commercial requirements.

The meeting will be streamed live on-line (only — due to the current pandemic, the public is not allowed to attend the meeting in person), so you can participate without leaving your living room!

Easy Monkey Taphouse in North City

Please see the Planning Commission webpage for agenda materials, information on how to comment, and a link to the live stream.

Light Rail Construction Update

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Tuesday, May 21,
Shoreline City Hall, Room 301
17500 Midvale Ave N
Shoreline, WA 98133
Light Rail Construction Update

Big changes are happening in Shoreline including the construction of Link Light Rail stations. Construction has started to create this form of transportation in our city. The Meridian Park Neighborhood Association in conjunction with the North City Neighborhood Association is hosting an open meeting on May 21st, 2019, 7pm-8:30pm at Shoreline City Hall in Room 301.

Topics to be covered are: * Tree removal/replacements * Parking amendments * Road closures * 145th St. Station * 185th Station * 130th Infill Station * Noise Wall removal

Please bring your questions and meet your neighbors at this gathering. All are welcome. Light refreshments will be served.

If you have any questions, please email meridianparkna@gmail.com or info@northcityna.org or call Cynthia Knox at 206-218-3302.

Townhouse Design Survey

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Townhouse Visual Preference Survey

The City of Shoreline would like you to take this survey in order to get your input on updated design standards for townhouse development.

The survey is currently open, closes on April 30, and takes about 15 minutes to complete.

More information can be found on the City’s website.

185th Corridor Presentation

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Tuesday, April 16,
Shoreline City Hall Council Chambers
17500 Midvale Ave N
Shoreline, WA 98133
185th Street Multimodal Corridor Strategy

North City residents are invited to join the Echo Lake and Meridian Park neighborhoods for a 185th Corridor presentation and interactive session on Tuesday, April 16 from 7 to 9pm (our agenda item starts at 7:30 pm) in City Hall Council Chambers.

This event will be very similar to the open house presentation and Q&A from April 2. We will have all the Open House 2 boards available for review and will encourage participants to complete the worksheet or go to the online survey.

185th Street Corridor Strategy Survey

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185th Street Multimodal Corridor Strategy

The City of Shoreline recently completed an initial outreach series to gather community and stakeholder input to help envision a corridor that will be safe for pedestrians and bicyclists; support bus and light rail transit service; address traffic flow; create gathering spaces; and encourage neighborhood businesses.

If you were unable to attend any of the events, you can view the open house presentation and displayed materials on the project webpage.

After reviewing information, please take the online survey which is linked on the project webpage. This survey will remain open through Sunday, November 25, 2018.

You may also use the hashtag #Shoreline185 to share your ideas and photos of the corridor or images of other places that include designs or features you would like to see reflected in the future 185th Street Corridor.

City Open House on Design of Shoreline Light Rail Stations

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Wednesday, January 27,
Shorewood High School — Commons and Theater
17300 Fremont Ave N
Shoreline, WA 98133

Come to City sponsored open house to provide your input on design of Shoreline light rail stations & facilities.

In 2016, Sound Transit will begin the final design phase for the Lynwood Link light rail extension that will run through Shoreline. As part of that effort, beginning in mid-2016, Sound Transit will hold three public open houses to gather input on the design of the stations and related facilities at N 145th and N 185th Streets.

To ensure the community’s interests are adequately represented during Sound Transit’s design phase, the City will develop a set of guiding principles to help guide the design of the light rail stations and facilities in Shoreline.

On January 27, the City will hold an open house to gather your input. The open house will provide:

  • Background for the process to date and how to participate moving forward
  • An opportunity to comment on Draft Guiding Principles for Light Rail Facility Design
  • Images of possible design elements for stations and garages

For more information contact Miranda Redinger.

North City Business District Street Light and Signal Pole Replacement

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Construction Coming Soon!

Over the past several years, the street light poles and signal poles within the North City Business District have experienced significant paint failure. After successful negotiations with the original construction contractor, all of the street light poles and signal poles will be replaced within the district at no cost to the City. The contractor assigned to do the work is Prime Electric.

Street light poles between NE 172nd St and 15th Pl NE (just north of 180th St NE) along with all of the signal poles will be replaced.

What to Expect?

With the construction, there will be a variety of impacts that will result from the removal and installation of the poles. Below is a general list of what you can expect:

  • Construction impacts: Construction activity (noise and equipment) will be visible along the corridor and will impact street/sidewalk to facilitate construction. Lane closures will be in place as needed.
  • Driveways: some driveways may require short term temporary closures. These closures will be coordinated in advance with each business as needed.
  • Parking (during construction): Street parking may be impacted and reduced in areas where the poles are being replaced. These impacts will be temporary and will be restored upon completion of the new pole installation.
  • Bus Stops: Bus stops may be temporarily impacted resulting in temporary relocations of stops.


  • Construction Start: April 2014
  • Construction Completion: Anticipated May of 2014